Title I Homeless Outreach Program for Education (HOPE)
Title I Homeless Outreach Program for Education (HOPE) aims to remove barriers preventing homeless and unaccompanied students from enrolling in school and achieving academic success. Through this initiative, Title I HOPE, students can access vital resources like school supplies, food, clothing, and transportation assistance. Eligibility for services is based on various living situations. If you believe your family qualifies for Title I HOPE services based on your current circumstances please contact the school to talk with our Social Worker. Schools must ensure equal access to education for homeless children and youths. It's important to note that information about a student's living situation is considered part of the student's record, and as such, it is subject to the protections of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which safeguards the privacy of student education records. Based on your answer on the next slide you may be eligible and will be contacted by one of our Social Workers.